Three Tips for Pregnancy from our Indigo Therapist

Whether you or anyone in your life is a mama-to-be, these tips from our Indigo Therapist, Sarah Fogel, LCSW, are things to think about along the way.

1. Start finding your village including postpartum support (doulas, lactation consultants, pelvic PT), mom groups, and any other activities that interest you pre-delivery.

2. The rollercoaster of emotions is real. Allow yourself to feel and label the experience. Check out the feelings wheel below if you need some help finding the words. If it feels like a lot, start working with a therapist!

3. Schedule time to connect with your partner. Activities might include a fun date night, traveling, or even watching a TV show together. Having these fresh, positive memories will support your relationship in the survival mode that is the newborn phase. 


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