DIY Allergy Solutions 

A mild winter means allergy season is here early this year!  Over the counter meds like Benadryl and Flonase work temporarily by inhibiting the inflammation and histamine response, but they can often trigger other issues like dryness and fatigue. We prefer to treat both the symptoms AND the root cause to keep you feeling great and sniffle-free. Here are some of our favorite allergy season tips!

If you're feeling phlegmy, try:

  • Facial cupping or facial massage

  • Cutting out dairy

  • Inhaling peppermint essential oil

  • Supplements: D-hist or NAC 600mg/day

If you are feeling dry and itchy, try:

  • Facial Gua Sha

  • Chrysanthemum tea

  • Avoiding high-histamine and spicy foods

  • Taking D-Hist or Vitamin C

  • Saline Nasal Rinse

  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! (bonus points for including electrolytes, we love Basis and Needed)

If you feel like you need more than a DIY solution, make an appointment to see us! Acupuncture helps with sinus issues but did you know that our Indiglow facials don't just leave your skin glowing, but help with allergies and sinus issues (plus TMJ, neck and shoulder tension, and so much more)? 


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